LATEMAR   FILM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

News | High/lights

Great news: So happy to welcome our fantastic co-partners from France (White Lion Films, Noor Sadar & team) and Luxemburg (Deal Productions with Alexandra Hoesdorff & team)

LATEMAR achieved the honorable FINALIST NOMINATION for the renowned GERMAN Sustainability Award "Eisvogel" with our green CICERO production

CICERO was honored with the the CALIFORNIA MUSIC FILM AWARD! All International Festivals and Nominations, please see -> Awards / Prizes

Amazing Special Soundtrack ->  "CICERO - Zwei Leben, Eine Bühne" on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Amazon Music     

CICERO theatrical release on: 24.03. 2022, celebrated in the movie theaters + streaming on Amazon Prime, and on NDR and Rbb television (2023/24)

Up-coming European serial productions |          we successfully cleared the world-wide serial rights of the renowned bestseller book series MADAME      LE COMMISSAIRE!

Producer, CEO Katharina Rinderle as Jury member for BEST FOREIGN FILM of the German OSCAR candidate 2023 | 

Cinema portrait of the outstanding musicians ROGER & EUGEN CICERO  directed by KAI WESSEL [German Director´s Award], Co-director/editor: TINA FREITAG creator/producer: KATHARINA RINDERLE could be finished despite the Corona crisis

LATEMAR FILM created and presents the panel at Max Ophüls Preis/ Film Festival and in collaboration with Producer`s Alliance Germany | Topic: "Snares" and challenges of Film Producing (2018)

LATEMAR FILM is presenting in cooperation with PRODUCER`S ALLIANCE Germany the Film industry panel: "Visions of future and times of changes" during MAX OPHÜLS FESTIVAL created + directed by Katharina Rinderle

All LATEMAR FILM productions are made according to the highest standards of GREEN SHOOTING since the company was established


LATEMAR FILM is focused on international feature, series and documentary films, mainly as high end cinema and serial productions (THE PACT by US-bestseller author Jodi Picoult, MME LE COMMISSAIRE bestseller by Pierre Martin).


Claims of LATEMAR FILM are in-depth development and the realization of groundbreaking screenplays, characterized by a deeply unique entrenchment and settings of European productions. CICERO, a search for traces of the eponymous renowned musicians, is in this year´s finishing process, directed by German Director`s prize winner Kai Wessel, in coproduction with NDR, RBB Germany, TVR Romania.


Invitations to Co-production markets worldwide including invitations by Robert Bosch Foundation, the Film Festival of CANNES, International Film Partners IFP committee Los Angeles, the Canadian Embassy as well as the Consulate general of European Union, Brussels.


LATEMAR realized the elaborate shooting of the drama WAR PHOTOGRAPHER in Italian Toscana and Maremma region with international cast and crew. Coproduction partners of the produced and upcoming films are established in GERMANY, ITALY, DENMARK, BELGIUM, ROMANIA, UK and FRANCE. LATEMAR FILM supports mentoring of YOUNG TALENTS be it actors, directors, authors, cinematographers or trainees in all artistically areas and the field of production and on set to promote prospective professionals.


CEO Katharina Rinderle is BOARD MEMBER of PRODUCER`S ALLIANCE Germany (Cinema Section), TOP TALENTE, Women in Film and Television WIFT International, Advisory Board of GERMAN FILM (until 2022), Adivisory Board of Hamburg Media School HMS, Founder of HOPEFUL foundation i.a. 

Office and production premises were settled on the STUDIO HAMBURG area at Villa Trebitsch in northern Hamburg, later on at St. Pauli district, since 2017 in the beautiful CONVOY offices in Hamburg`s borough Eppendorf.

German Version |


Der Schwerpunkt von LATEMAR FILM liegt auf der Herstellung von internationalen Kino-, Fernsehfilmen und Serien. Den hochkarätigen Spielfilm-, Dokumentar- und Serienstoffen liegt neben ihrer internationalen Ausrichtung und den Schauplätzen im In- und Ausland, technische und inhaltliche Innovation zu Grunde: Originalität, Vielschichtigkeit und Aussagekraft der Filmthemen werden großgeschrieben. Das Einbeziehen junger Talente steht dabei genauso im Vordergrund wie die Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten internationalen Filmschaffenden.


Zu den aktuellen Kino- und künstlerischen Serienformaten gehören CICERO, die Kinoproduktion um die herausragenden Musiker Roger und Eugen Cicero (Regie: Kai Wessel), die Serien-Bestseller-Verfilmungen THE PACT der renommierten US-Autorin Jodi Picoult, sowie MADAME LE COMMISSAIRE nach der gleichnamigen Bestsellerreihe von Pierre Martin.


Die von LATEMAR FILM produzierten Filme gewinnen zahlreiche Auszeichnungen im In- und Ausland, darunter erste Filmpreise. Weltweit ist die Produktionsfirma auf Branchen- und Co-Production Meetings vertreten. Mit LATEMAR FILM ist Katharina Rinderle Vorstandsmitglied der Sektion Kino der Deutschen Produzenten Allianz Film & Fernsehen, Jurymitglied in mehreren Gremien und Beiratsmitglied von GERMAN FILMS. Im Beirat der Hamburg Media School vertreten und unterrichtet als Dozentin die dortige Produzentenklasse FILM.

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© Latemar Film, 2025